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Setting up your website template: More details & see section below. KEY: MQs below indicates "media queries". The responsive css code for mobile located in the "media-queries.css". See section below and also support details. Important: When the MQs kick-in, the menu will "stack" the menu items. See MQs section below. Step 1: CHOOSE HOME PAGE TO USE: | More details This template includes 2 homepage options:
EDIT HEADER: | More details Edit the "logo.jpg" in the picts folder with your logo image. The header background HEX color can be found in the "style.css" file. A layered "logo.PSD" file is located in the "extras" folder. The default font used is 29 points "MicrogrammaDMedExt" bold with a letter spacing of 3. OPTIONAL PLAIN TEXT HEADER: To use the text header option, edit the "var logotype" in the "header.js" from "graphic" to "text". Edit the "var logotext" "Your Website Title" text in the "header.js" with your site name. Step 3: EDIT COPYRIGHT: | More details Open the "footer-copyright.js" in Notepad or any text editor file and change the "Yourcompany.com" text with your name or company name. This will update the footer info on all pages. Step 4: EDIT CONTACT INFO: | More details Open the "contact.js" in Notepad or any text editor file and change the company name, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address (edit the email in 2 places). This will update the contact info on the contact page. Because the contact form is setup to *not* display on mobile using MQs be sure to edit your email link address in this step. Step 5: EDIT THE CONTACT FORM: If you DO want to use the contact form, move the "No-Form-contact.htm" into the "extras" folder and see the links below. If you want to NOT use a form on the contact page, move the "contact.htm" into the extras folder and re-name the "No-Form-contact.htm" to "contact.htm". Click for current info on setting up the template forms. Click for info on adding more fields to the forms. Click for changing form sizes or colors. Step 6: EDIT CONTACT PAGE LOCATION MAPS | More details This template includes a text location link, a map window and a get directions form. Click link above to setup these 3 areas. Step 7: EDIT RIGHT SIDEBAR: | More details Open the "sidebar.js" file in Notepad or any text editor, and edit the text and links with your own text. Editing the "sidebar.js" will update all HTML pages at one time. Click link above for details. Step 8: EDIT TWITTER, FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN LINKS: | More details Open the "social-links.js" in a plain text editor like Notepad. Edit the 3 links with your social network links. The "social-links.js" includes "yes/no" variables to turn off any or all of the social links. Step 9: ARTICLES AND THE article-home.htm PAGE: List and link all your article pages on the "article-home.htm" page. Leave the link to this page on the home page (index.html) and "site_map.htm" for better SEO. Images for the articles pages and article home or "list" page are located in the "picts" folder. There are 3 images for each article. Step 10: EDIT PAGES: | Software choices | Notepad editing Edit the text in all HTML pages with your website information. You can use Expression Web, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, any wysiwyg HTML editor or a text editor like Notepad. Take care not to delete any of the HTML tags that surround the text. Step 11: EDIT TITLES, DESCRIPTIONS AND KEYWORDS: | More details Open each of the HTML pages and change the titles (at the very top of the page) and also the description and the keywords with your product or service details. You can edit one page and copy and paste to the other pages. Be careful to only change what's inside the "" so you don't disturb the html code. Page titles are important so your site will get a good listing at Google, Yahoo! and other search engines. Step 12: UPLOAD: | More details Upload the pages on to your hosting company's server using ftp software or Windows Explorer or your control panel. Be sure to upload all template files and folders and all files inside the folders. You do not need to upload the "extras" folder. The "media-queries.css" is for mobile and includes some of the same class names as the "style.css" to alter these classes as the browser width becomes more narrow. When editing any font sizes in this template you will need to edit the class in the "style.css", then edit the duplicate class in the "media-queries.css" to setup the mobile font sizes. See responsive support details. MENU EDITING: | More details You can change the names of the links like "ABOUT" or "CONTACT" to other page names by editing the "menu.js". Only change the one instance of the name and not the name with the ".htm" after it unless you have also renamed the .htm page. Whatever you change in the "menu.js" will change every page on the website. Keep the names short so your menu does not get too wide. You can add more pages by copying one link in the "menu.js" and pasting it below itself. Be sure to back up your files before you edit them. NOTE: If you use a ' in a .js file add a slash before it like this \'. ADDING PAGES: | More details You can add pages to your website by copying and pasting any one of the pages and renaming it to whatever you need. You can then add links from the other pages or even add the page to the menu by opening the menu.js and copying and pasting one of the buttons below another. There are notes in the "menu.js" to help you add a button. EDITING THE FOOTER "footer.htm": | More details You will edit the "footer.htm" like any other HTML page. Editing the "footer.htm" will update all the pages at one time. If you need more height in the footer you can edit the "footer-height" style class in the "FOOTER OPTIONS" section in the "style.css". FONTS & CSS STYLES: | More details | Media Queries | Google Fonts This template uses Google Fonts. The code that "calls" the font files is the first line in the "style.css". Click above for details. This template includes Media Queries css code. Edit font sizes in both the "style.css" and "media-queries.css". Click above for details. You can change your font colors and sizes by editing the "style.css" with a text editor. You can find other font colors by clicking here. Change the font sizes in the "style.css" file. Change the class after the note "THE NEXT LINE CONTROLS THE FONT SIZE ON ALL PAGES" px size to change the font sizes or colors on all pages. Change the "title" px size to change all the title sizes. PICTURES: | More details You can replace all pictures with your own. Hover over any image to view the size. You will find all pictures in the "picts" and "JQuery" folders. PAGE HEIGHTS: So all your pages will maintain a standard height a "pageheight" class with a "min-height" is included. Edit this height in the "style.css". PAGE WIDTHS: So all your pages will maintain a standard width three classes are included in the "style.css". Classes ".pagewrapper", "#contentbox" and "#contentbox-home". SITE MAP PAGE: The "site_map.htm" is linked from the index.html. It is best not to remove this link so search engines can find your site map and properly list all your pages when users search at major search engines. |